Saturday, April 19, 2014

There It Was

Almost at the end of the book.... Live And Let Love Edited by Andrea Buchanan.... there it 263...  there it is..  what simple truths we can find in words not written by our own hand.  Oh well, it is what it is.  I have much to ponder.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

I Feel The Need

I feel the need to write and yet I do not.  I long for the liberty and freedom to write of past hurts and believe it will one of the last steps in healing.  Yet even as I need and know the path of my healing I once again stop and worry about others and put them before my needs.  I will find a way to write and express my feelings.  Things brings a smile to me as I close my eyes in sadness in irony.  Noone is listening, noone is reading, once again I worry for no reason.  I know this as I say this and yet I still worry.  Here we go again.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

I see bridges

I see bridges..  bridges can bring us closer... bridges can fall not by my doing not by your doing and yet the bridges fall.  Would you believe that bridges falling could be my signal of certainty? Would signs of certainty bring together our destinies? Is this a possibility or just a moment in a different reality?