Saturday, February 2, 2013

And this connection will once again be like if there was no connection in this reality
Which will wash the book away it will also was my last tears away and this odd connection will be lost in the waters as once and for all it gently flows away
And mspace in 2009 they are both years with a 9 and a 2. My tears will fall one last time for I was falsely accused.. And like the river
Better to let sleeping dogs lay and let the river wash the book away...for no other will be able to make the connection between the lines written in 1992
The evidence of this connection needs to be destroyed.. I will let him be the victim for the sands of time has passed.
Or does he really not know of this book published with many and in the pages the words of the unknown?
Or did he know if this book and played himself to be a victim?
Before this year is over - will take the book and leave it the river to be washed away... For such a connection for some reason I rather the world not know.
Is there a purpose or is it just is because it is to be?
Is there a purpose or is it just is because it is to be?
Could it be? Could such a connection truly exist? And most important if it is so; what would be the purpose of such a connection?
And yet he truly in his heart believes it is so... I do not understand....
I have a poem published in 1992 in a book full of many poems.. It talks about the unknown and yet how dare he say I took the words from him.